Cleanings Madison, WI
Dental cleanings are a routine procedure which is a part of preventive dentistry. Preventative dentistry aims to improve and maintain oral hygiene. It increases the longevity of your oral cavity that affects your general health.
With regular cleanings, you prevent the chances of decay and other gum diseases, reducing the number of costly dental procedures required each year. Madison Family Dental Associates believes regular dental cleaning is your best choice in maintaining a healthy and pleasant looking smile.
Initial Consultation and Scaling in Dental Cleanings
On your first visit, an initial dental examination will take place. During this examination, our dental hygienist will evaluate the level of teeth cleaning needed.
When regular and good oral hygiene is not adopted, plaque buildup occurs. This plaque if you do not brush or floss regularly and is referred to as tartar. Tartar buildup also known as dental calculus buildup is a mineral deposit that occurs in some regions of the teeth (especially around the gumline). This buildup, over time, can cause multiple soft and hard tissue problems.
Tartar buildup damages the oral cavity (through trapping bacteria) and can also stain the teeth, reducing their overall look. The bonds between the plaques are extremely strong, and only professional dental cleaning can help eliminate such crusty deposits.
During professional cleanings, tartar is removed using a scaler. This step will produce slight discomfort but will not last for long. The time taken for completion of this step will depend upon the area covered by tartar.
Brushing and Polishing in Dental Cleanings
Once the tartar is completely removed, a high-powered electric toothbrush will be used along with special toothpaste possessing a gritty texture. The purpose of this step is to provide deep cleaning. This removes additional tartar that may have been left behind and get rid of stains on the teeth.
Flossing in Dental Cleanings
Once the scaling and use of an electric toothbrush are done, professional flossing takes place. This is an additional step that allows us to identify any potential trouble areas and remove any toothpaste from the procedure performed earlier.
Fluoride Treatment Usage in Dental Cleanings
Next, fluoride treatment is applied. Fluoride treatment aims to act as a sealant that will eradicate any future cavities. A paste will be applied to the surface of your teeth for sixty seconds during the procedure.
Once the treatment is done, there are two options available to you. You can either wait a few hours before consuming anything to allow the fluoride to completely absorb, or apply a fluoride varnish that allows you to eat and drink almost immediately after.
Post Dental Cleanings
Once the dental cleaning procedure is over, our dental hygienist will sit and provide you counseling on the next step. You will have to re-visit after six months for a follow-up and additional dental cleaning. You will be advised to avoid consuming anything for the next one to two hours as your teeth may still be sensitive post-procedure. Additionally, you will be asked to brush and floss your teeth regularly.
Preventive dentistry will not only maintain your oral health but also prevent paying for costly treatment. Take advantage of dental cleanings by calling 608-274-5970 or visiting our professionals at Madison Family Dental Associates. |